Carne Diem the world’s most effective L-Carnitine based fat burner. This product succeeds where current L-Carnitine products have failed. Magnum’s Carne Diem has unlocked the powers of L-Carnitine and solved the low absorbability, transport, and retention issues that have plagued all other L-Carnitine-based products.
Carne Diem allows your body to transport fat to your muscle cells’ mitochondria for use as energy without the need for an insulin spike, unlike other L-Carnitine based products. That means you can stay in a fat burning zone as opposed to a fuel storage zone, which is what happens when the body releases insulin. Carne Diem secondary ingredients also force your body to choose fat as a fuel source over glycogen, which keeps your muscles full and pumped, even while on a low-calorie diet.