Almightea Kombucha fermented and alive black tea is very rich in active ingredients. It is one of the best health-based kombucha products available to you. Its nutritional richness is based on the fermentation of patented black tea, which releases and increases the bio-availability of the following compounds: antioxidants, organic acids, probiotics, B vitamins and enzymes.
Almightea Kombucha is concentrated and provides at least 30 servings per bottle.
Antioxidants: Fight against the aging of the skin. Fights inflammation and relieves pain.
Detoxifying: Allows the elimination of toxins in the body.
Antibacterial : Protects against microbial infections.
Energizing : Regulates the metabolism and vitalizes the body.
Digestion : Promotes the latter, stimulating the intestinal function
and helps maintain the intestinal flora.